It's only been a couple of months and you can really feel the pressure this year. I feel so much more motivated to get my work done with time to spare and to a professional level. One problem with this is that I have been concentrating so hard on my visual design and Games Production that my poor blog has been neglected and majorly lacking in content, so it is official. Sunday is Blog day. I suppose this may seem rich considering it's Monday today, but from this point onward expect at least one blog update every Sunday.
I realize a good online presence is crucial which is why I shall be setting up my personal online portfolio later this year, most likely over the Christmas period. I hope this will give you the chance to get a feel for the work I do, especially now I have the equipment to work properly in Photoshop, something I was very in-continent and actually quite worried about using considering how advanced some people in our course are. But then if I spend all my time worrying over other peoples work then my own confidence will slip, something i do not want. I've spent the last year becoming more confident in my abilities and I am not about to throw this away.
It's great to see how popular the course has become over the last few years, with all its publicity and amazing students. I feel privileged to still be here and to have the opportunity to work with some truly awesome people, I just hope I can keep up enough this year to do well in the end. I am sure it'll be fine, my imagination can be pretty crazy but I feel that is something I can use to my advantage here, even if i couldn't really express it during A levels.
But life is a ride you just have to go with, so lets see what happens, shall we?