Thursday, 29 November 2012

My Personal Gaming History.


                      1994 - I am born, Hello world!
               Also in 1994 - the PlayStation 1 is released, which in several years time will become my first ever console, which is where it all began...

My memory is not amazing, I can never remember exact years of when I received things, but what I do remember is that I always had a fascination with video games.

 No, I didn't come from a gaming background, my family doesn't play games (on the occasion of my father) but as far as I am concerned, I am the first dedicated gamer in my family, so it didn't take me long to receive my first console. My very own PlayStation 1. Sure it was preowned, but what did I care? It came with a few games including Bomberman, Spyro and Crash Bandicoot. Spyro probably being the most memorable and the third being my favourite. Who else remembers running around trying to headbutt Money backs to get back all the gems he took from you throughout the game? The first three Spyro games definitely being the top of their game and only getting worse with every new release.
 My other good friend was my Game Boy colour, along with Pokemon Yellow which I played religiously. Whenever we went to the caravan for a holiday me, my sister and friends would go in the play area, sit upon the wooden castle and all play Pokemon together, it was brilliant! I also remember my nan holding my Game Boy hostage - of course I never knew, telling me I had lost it and even going as far as to help me put up posters on the campsite asking if anyone had seen my little handheld. She then later pulled it out of the glove box when we were in the car and exclaimed that I didn't look after it properly. Note how I will never forgive you for this nan.

 From then I advanced up through the handhelds, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP (including special tribal design) Nintendo DS and PSP.

However my heart has always remained with the consoles. After my PlayStation 1 and my sisters GameCube came my very own Xbox, along with a copy of Halo Combat Evolved. I cannot lie, it is still one of my favourite series today, but it wasn't the first game that got me hooked. It was the second game with the introduction as playing as the enemy, the Arbiter. This half of the game I enjoyed much more than the chief play through  because I finally got to play as an alien rather than the usual human character, this I found exciting. I have remained mostly loyal to the Xbox consoles ever since. Yes I did have a PlayStation 2 for so long, simply because of this game:


Now I think back this game was one serious pile of shit. Yet I adored it. Who wouldn't love playing as a crazy dog who could fling his own poo at people and chase cats all day long, plus rescue other dogs in incredibly strange situations. Give me a copy now and I would still love to replay it.

However I was put off gaming too as a child when my dad bought me a copy of Conkers when I saw it in the shop and wanted it for the adorable squirrel(?) on the front. However that game is far from adorable, I still feel slightly scarred from one particular scene in this game.

Yeah, this one.

The other favourite of course is good old PC gaming, I have never been an online gamer however my PC still gets a lot of time spent chasing monsters in Amnesia or digging down in Minecraft only to hit lava, die and then lose everything you had collected. Also most recently, I do enjoy playing in group versus on L4D with friends.

To move on. I have mostly stuck with Xbox 360 ever since (with a slight off-track year of playing Wii games. I came to my senses in the end.) Mostly because I do so adore the Halo series. It is always so hard to try and think of favourite games, so rather than having a top three I think I will just leave this blog with a nice little list of a collection of games I love and haven't mentioned on this blog. Thanks for reading!


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